Monday, 9 June 2008

Money down the drain

Recently we suggested an easy way to do your bit towards saving the planet. Today we extend our advice to encompass ways of saving money.

We recently paid in all the cash we'd taken off you in the last month or so. Over half of it - and it was a good chunk of cash - was fines for late return of books. Fines are like tooth - decay easy to avoid if you follow a few simple rules. Here's how (to avoid fines, I mean - for tooth decay, make friends with a dentist and buy a good toothbrush)

1. Bring your books back on time. (I like this option - simple, but effective).

2. Renew your books by phone or email on or before the day they are due and write the new date on the handy date stamp label in the front of the book to remind you.

3. Bring the books to the postgrad centre when we're closed and post them in the big blue book drop box outside the door.

4. Make sure we have your current full and correct postal address and email address so we can remind you when your books are overdue.

5. Let us know when you borrow books that actually you will be out of the country in the week the books are due.

6. Let us know if you are sick/have been kidnapped by aliens and will not be able to get your books back on the due date.

The one thing not to do is to ignore any letters or emails we send out as this tends to make us rather cross and less inclined to be nice to you when we do finally see you and your books. The thing is, we don't really want you to waste you money on fines. We just want our books in circulation for everyone to share.

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