Friday, 28 March 2008

Save our searches

If you have been using library databases through Dialog Datastar you will have noticed the ominous red writing on the main page advising you that Dialog Datastar is being replaced with Search 2.0.

Hopefully this will be good news. It means that the way the databases look wont change every time a tender with a particular provider changes. The new interface will hopefully be nice and easy to use. It will also mean that the National Library for Health really is a one stop shop for all your online information needs so you need only bookmark, or remember, the one website address.

So that was the good news. The bad news is that if you have saved searches in Dialog they cannot be automatically transferred to Search 2.0. This may be a good opportunity to have a chuck out, rid your life of unwanted saved searches, and perhaps start afresh with some better quality searches. Heck - you could even ask a librarian for help on devising top notch searches to save.

The folks at NLH have drawn up some instructions. Sadly, I can't work out a way of attaching an ordinary Word file to this blog. Perhaps the instructions will be posted on NLH, in the meantime, please contact us (or your nearest NHS library) if you would like a copy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,

I have popped a copy on our website
- feel free to link it.
