Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Anyone for tennis elbow?

Ah - Wimbledon. There's nothing like it. The crowds, the strawberries, the top players, the strapped knees, the ice packs, the players forced to withdraw due to injury. We're constantly reminded, it seems, of the dangers of exercise. So now seems a good time to have a look at resources for sports medicine and physiotherapy.

For literature searches of any kind around physiotherapy issues Cinahl is always useful. This is one of the databases you can access through the National Library for Health with your Athens password.

NLH has no dedicated library for sports medicine, but there is a section in the orthopaedics and trauma library dedicated to sports injuries.

Visit the Intute website and type "sports medicine" into the search box and you'll find links to various journals, clinics and institutes of sports medicine.

Sports injury is a real problem, with guidelines being issued to American schools to ensure they enable their athletes to remain healthy and fit. NICE is currently working on guidance for promoting physical activity in children, although the scoping paper doesn't suggest that injury prevention will be a big part of the guidance.

The BBC has information for people wanting to do some sport without injuring themselves, including advice on warming up. NHS Direct has a sports injuries section.

Beware when Googling for sports injury information - a lot of results are private clinics advertising their services. While they may produce good quality information don't forget that they might have reasons to be biased toward suggesting treatment is necessary.

It's no surprise that a third of us prefer not to do any sport. Most of those blame poor health - perhaps sports injuries preventing them being active? Even sitting at home playing imaginary sport on computers can be bad for you. Best sit still on the sofa, crack open a punnet of strawberries and watch the rain fall on centre court.

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